6 Major Benefits of Custom ECommerce Development Services

Is your brick and mortar business doing well?Are you looking for ways to expand your sales and reach?Then an eCommerce is the best solution for all your traditional business problems.In fact, with everything digital, it has become essential to have an eCommerce store. That’s why it is better to understand the custom eCommerce development services, and how it will advance your business. If you’re worried about security or isn’t sure about the eCommerce development then this article is for you. It will help you understand the benefits of having an eCommerce solution.eCommerce Development in Nutshell:eCommerce website allows selling your products and services online. Users can easily browse your products and buy them online. Multiple payment gateways are integrated to provide instant payment options. All these without any physical presence or meet up. Here are some facts to prove the competitive edge of eCommerce development:

Around 67% of US millennials prefer online purchasing.

eCommerce has grown by 300% over the last few years

The revenue generated by eCommerce in the US last year was approx. $600-700 billion

Global B2B sales are expected to reach over $6.6 trillion by 2021

eCommerce sales are predicted to hit $4.48 trillion by 2021

By 2040, approx. 95% of shopping will be facilitated by eCommerce

Now, let’s explore the major benefits of going online1. Global PresenceUnlike those brick and mortar shops that are bound to a single location, your ecommerce store is way beyond geographical limitations. You can sell your products or services to anyone across the globe. Consider Amazon, an eCommerce store that allows people in Australia as well as in Canada to buy the spices from Indian merchants. While Amazon is a marketplace, you can have an estore with just your products and services and sell according to your shipping capabilities.2. Enhanced Customer ExperienceThe best part of eCommerce development is customer experience. You can provide them with all the support and details without having to actually interact in person. On the other hand, customers can simply buy/order the product or service from the comfort of their home.3. Detailed InformationDo you recall explaining each and every customer about the product, its details, price, expiry, or other attributes?The daunting task!With eCommerce web development, you can provide all the necessary information about the products to your customers via the product detail page. With details about products, their specifications, images, attributes, customers can select the best-suited product/service. And you won’t have to act like a recorder that keeps repeating the same details.4. No Time ConstraintsYou can sell your products 24*7. With eCommerce stores, there’s nothing like opening or closing a shop. You can run your business through your mobile phones or laptops even while relaxing on a beach or on a vacation on some isolated island.And for customers, they can search for the product whenever they want – @ 3 am or 3 pm. Doesn’t matter!You don’t have to attend them physically and that’s amazing.5. Inventory ManagementManagement of orders, stocks, inventory, and customer data gets easy with eCommerce development. You can get rid of those manual billing and bulk files. Instant notifications and alerts with backend database support can help you track and save every detail online, which can be accessed from anywhere anytime.6. Cost SavingSpending on renting a place and its maintenance with staff costs too much. Whereas, a monthly or annual subscription, or opting for eCommerce development services would cost way less than a brick and mortar.Conclusion:In simple terms, it’s less risky and effective to go for an eCommerce web development whether you have a brick or mortar store or not. But planning wisely and choosing the right eCommerce development company is a must. After all, it has a lot of potential and ROI in the long term.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising Simplified

When searching on a search portal, Google or Bing, your advert will occur next to or on top of the organic search results for the search phrase you entered. PPC advertisements are known as “sponsored ads” with the Google results page and “ads” with the Bing results page.Advertisers place bids for individual search phrases. When a searcher clicks on your ad, you will be charged based on the amount you bid for that search phrase. The more that you’re willing to bid for any specified search term, the higher your advert will appear within the sponsored listings. The larger the pay per click service’s network, the higher the bids the advertisers will be willing to pay for high positions.It’s important to closely track the performance of your advertising and marketing right from the start. The ultimate measure of the overall performance of the pay per click advertising campaign will be the return on investment (ROI) of every advert.Pay per click affords advertisers a high degree of control and the capability to effortlessly measure the outcomes of their campaigns. Control is the major advantage of PPC advertising and marketing but considering that all the advertisers with which you compete also have the same control, pay per click campaigns have to have active monitoring and management.The major attraction that any pay per click service provides to advertisers is its capability to distribute advertising. Pay per click also makes it possible for advertisers to target different geographic locations with a selection of specific countries and languages to target.A typical Pay Per Click (PPC) advertisement as it’s shown on the search portal.PPC Advertising campaign management (Headline / Title)We setup and manage Google AdWords & Bing / Microsoft Advertising campaigns (Description)domain.name (Display URL)Headline / Title: The hyperlink in the headline will redirect visitors through the pay per click service to the URL set by the advertiser.Description: All pay per click services restrict the length of advert copy to a number of lines and/or a specified number of characters.Display URL: A display URL is shown to reveal to the searcher where the advert will take them. The display URL doesn’t necessarily reflect the exact page to which a visitor will be sent.Both Google and Bing advertisers can run parallel campaigns using the very same search terms. The same advertisements which are utilized in search results may also appear in Google AdSense and Microsoft Advertising contextual advertising. Google and Bing offer a contextual advertising option through which advertisers can open up their campaigns for distribution by way of Google’s and Bing’s networks, which comprises large numbers of individual Internet websites, news sites, and content portals.Google’s main advantage will be the size of the AdSense network, as well as the power to reach a variety of smaller Internet websites. AdWords advertisements are always displayed on the Google search portal. Advertisers can decide whether or not to distribute their adverts by way of Google’s AdSense network of partners.There is a range of second tier players who could possibly offer useful services and more cost-effective advertising and marketing alternatives in many instances. You’ll find Pure pay per click providers, Regional providers and Vertical market providers, who specialize in distinct kinds of products or services.

Reasons to Hire Childrens Entertainers

With party season now in full swing and frazzled parents starting to wonder what hit them, it is high time someone reminded them why childrens entertainers are a much better idea for a childrens party. So – here we go.First up: your kids, and your kids’ guests, do not know the entertainer. They have never seen him or her before in their lives. Children tend to act up much more in front of adults they know: and they act up even worse when they can see that an adult they know is trying to pretend to be someone else. An entertainer tends to dress up in silly clothes and do silly things. If kids see an adult they know doing that, they will go in for the kill. When they see an adult they do not know doing it, they do not know how to react – and so they tend to be better behaved.Two – your childrens entertainers are not supposed to be authority figures. This leads on from point one. The parents of kids, and the parents of other kids, are supposed to have some clout in authority terms. No child will ever listen to an order, a request or a command ever again, if it is delivered by an adult that he or she has seen trying to do failed magic tricks in a daft costume. The entertainers can get away with this for two reasons – one, because they are actually capable of pulling off the tricks, and two, because they are not going to be telling the kids when it is time to go to bed.Again following from a previous point, we have three: childrens entertainers can actually do the tricks and the shows they are performing. When you try and entertain your own kids’ parties, the shine quickly wears off your performance, and that is when all the kids start to act up. It is not your fault. You have never been trained as a side show magician or entertainer. You do not know how to do magic or tell jokes. An entertainer does. So why put yourself through all that stress, only to lose everyone’s attention after five minutes and have to watch the party disintegrate around you?Four: childrens entertainers know when to play up and when to play down. They are trained to read the mood of their audience and act accordingly. The ultimate goal of a kids entertainment is to leave the audience tired, but not too tired; happy, but not over excited. Clearly, that means doing different things depending on the current mood of the audience. The kids’ entertainer is trained to feel that mood and do the right things to get it into that desired end state – the satisfied and tired, but not over worked stage.Five: childrens entertainers mean you can spend more time policing the party: making sure no one over eats, or fights, or feels left out. Effectively, the entertainment is there to leave you free to concentrate on safety and cleaning. That means less stress for you. And less stressed parents’ means kids who are not disposed to act up as much.